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Original, unpublished papers which are not being considered for publication elsewhere can be submitted to The Social Science Dialogue. Article should have a maximum length of 5000 words (excluding title, abstract, key words and references). All submitted articles can be in English or Kannada language. It is insisted to follow one kind of spellings throughout the article. The journal reserves the right to reject a paper even after it has been accepted if it becomes apparent that there are serious problems with the content or with violations of our publishing ethics. Authors must include a statement about any conflict of interest before publication if any. Editor/Managing Editor of the journal will contact the author/ authors with a decision as to whether the manuscript will be considered for publication in the journal. Authors of manuscripts accepted for consideration will be asked to confirm their agreement with the journal’s policies.




Well structured and original work based manuscripts can be mailed to: Researchers must mention the broad area of interest the paper and its relevance in the present research field in covering letter.


Reference format


All submissions to The Social Science Dialogue must be followed the APA style of reference in both in text and a final references list. Kindly follow the 6th edition of the American Psychological Association publication manual (excerpts are available in the website home page Reference manual button).


Reviewer Guidelines


All submitted papers are subject to double peer review process by at least two reviewers that are experts in the area of the particular paper. Factors like Unique findings, Originality, Theoretical support, Relevance, Significance, Readability, Technical Soundness and Language were taken into account in selecting the submitted manuscript.

Peer review assists the editorial board /chief editor in selecting or Accept after minor revision, Accept after major revision, Rejection. Reviewers have the right to suggest their opinions with the aim to meet journal standards. The journal does not entertain rapid review process. Reviewers are provided with four weeks of time to complete their review. Hence after submission of manuscript authors are suggested to show patience of 60 days for initial approval or refusal of the same. In case of revisions, authors will be asked to revise/improve the manuscript and after re-submission, the same should be sent to the editor for taking the final decision. At this stage the editors will judge the suitability of the re-submitted manuscript and decide either for further revision or decline the submission



Copyediting & Proofreading


After the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will undergo a first stage of copy editing where the journal editor(s) will correct any grammatical or contextual errors and check that all necessary information regarding the manuscript and authors has been provided. The Editor’s office of the journal will develop the final version of the manuscript as per the style of the journal.

Check and Plagiarism: The Editorial Team of the journal will make a first assessment of the article submitted and check whether it fits the aims and scope of the journal. Manuscripts that do not comply with the instructions for authors may be returned to the authors. Please note that all submitted manuscripts are subject to checks using the urkund services, in order to detect instances of similarity. 

In case any article is found to have been plagiarized before/after publication, the Journal will consider appropriate legal action including barring the same author from submitting future manuscripts. The article will be retracted with intimation to the author in case of post publication detection of plagiarism.






Manuscript shall have the following ordered elements: Title, authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, text (introduction, literature review, methodology, findings-discussions and conclusion), acknowledgements, conflicts of interests, notes, and references.

Authors should process the submission Ms Word file. English article must be in Times New Roman font with 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing. Articles in Kannada must be submitted in Nudi 01 e, font size of 12 and 1.5 line spacing.



Title of the paper


1Author’s Name, 2Author’s Name, 3Author’s Name


1Designation & Department, Institution with full address (City, State, Country, Postal code):

E-mail Id &Contact Number

2Designation & Department, Institution with full address (City, State, Country, Postal code):

E-mail Id &Contact Number

 (Name, Address, Telephone Number, and E-mail Address of the Person to whom all the correspondence is to be addressed.)




The abstract should consist of 150 to 200 words or less. The abstract should be written in complete sentences and should briefly state the objectives of study, materials and methods, Results and Findings, Implications, and Scope for future work/ Limitations; it should be intelligible without reference to the rest of the paper. The abstract should only include text. Avoid the use of abbreviations and references in the abstract.


Key words


4 to 7 key words (alphabetically ordered) related to the work.


Full paper 


The full paper should consist of 4500-5000 words or 10 Pages including (1) Title, (2) Abstract and Key words, (3) Introduction, (4) Materials and Methods, (5) Findings,  Discussion, Tables & Graphs (6) Conclusion, (7) Acknowledgement, Conflict of interests and notes (8) References.


Tables and Figures


Tables and figures must be introduced in the main text, and not submitted separately. Tables and figures must be numbered and an explanatory title must be added. A caption for each table and figure must also be placed in the main text. Figures and tables should be supplied in a suitable size for printing. All kinds of visual images should be treated as ‘Figures’. Authors should note that they must get the permission from the original copyright holder for reproducing the visual images before submission. The journal management will not be responsible for any kind of copyright violation on the part of the authors. The Journal reserves the right to make the final decision about matters of style and the size of tables and figures.


Reference format


All submissions to The Social Science Dialogue must be followed the APA style of reference in both in text and a final references list.

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